Pega Implementation lifecycle – SmartBPM

SmartBPM methodology covering the Pega implementation lifecycle – Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition

The methodology used to implement and improve a BPM solution is critical to the success of BPM projects. Business 
Process Management methodology serves two functions: Providing a framework for understanding and improving 
business processes in general, and offering tools as part of  a BPMS (Business Process Management Suite) to define, 
implement, and improve processes using software.

A BPMS is a platform to automate policies and procedures and manage human interactions in business processes, 
improving business responsiveness across the enterprise. BPMS features and capabilities contribute significantly to the success or failure of a BPM project, but the implementation methodologies, guidelines, and governance practices of the project are as critical to its success. 

Independent process improvement practices — both BPM and broader business management disciplines such as Lean and Six Sigma — may be attractive methodologies for a BPM project, but they could add unnecessary complexity 
to BPM solution development, requiring translations between tools and manual updates for reporting and governance.

For real project agility, the BPMS must provide tools and constructs to support iterative and agile methodologies with BPMS-specific accelerators. In each phase and iteration of a project, the project and methodology must be in synch to avoid needless mapping, and the BPMS must implement the objectives of the methodology while advancing the project itself. The methodology should leverage the BPMS and be consistent with its terminology, capabilities, and change management approach.