Pega PRPC Installation procedure

these are the major steps to install Pega PRPC.

These are to be kept in mind by software administration team.

Install JDK 1.5 or higher
Install SQL Server or Oracle DB 9i ( > 9.01 )
Run PEGARULES SCHEMA i.e .sql to create pega rule databases

Install Websphere or Jboss application server or Tomcat Server

If Tomcat,
—> Use unique port
—> Goto Tomcat Manager ( Manager Servlet)
—> Copy classes12.jar/xerces.jar under Tomcat\common\lib
—> Deploy prweb.war under \Tomcat\webapps\prweb
—> Open \Tomcat\webapps\prweb\WEB-INF\classes\pegarules.xml
—> Enable JDBC driver, change UserId,Passaword which were used for installation of oracle

Copy all jars prpc jars,commons logging jars,classes12.jar,xerces.jar under defaultdeploycommonlib
Deploy prweb.war under defaultdeployprweb
Open defaultdeployprwebWEB-INFclassespegarules.xml
Enable JDBC driver, change UserId,Passaword which were used for installation of oracle Start the Application server
Access server using the following URL: http://hostname:port/
Access server using the following URL: http://hostname:port/prweb/PRServlet

login with Admin rights
Install Microsft VISIO
In Internet Explorer, Goto Tools–>Internet Options–>Security–>Custom level, enable all the radio buttons

Hope this Installation procedure was useful.